Municipal Departments, Boards and Committees are staffed in several ways.
Elected officials - the only elected Municipal Officers are members of the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee.
Appointed officials - except for three (3) Public Works and two (2) Fire Fighter positions, all other positions are staffed by people appointed by the Selectmen. In some cases the appointees are paid employees i.e. Town Manager, Town Clerk, Assessor, Code Enforcement Officer, Librarian and Police; or stipened as with the ORC Director and Animal Control Officer. All others are volunteers.
Members of boards and committees required by law are paid an annual stipend for their service to the Town. These are the Select Board, School Committee, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Appointments are made annually by the Selectmen, usually at their first regular meeting after Annual Town Meeting. Appointments become effective on July 1st, but the appointee MUST be sworn in to office by the Town Clerk before they can begin officiating.
To apply for any appointed position, contact the Town Clerk.